Option Explicit


Dim ime As String

Dim prezime As String

Dim datumRodjenja As Date

Dim indeks As String

Dim polozxeniIspiti As Collection

Dim ocene As Collection ' ocena(j) je ocena koju je student dobio prilikom polaganja ispita polozxeniIspiti(j)


Sub Init(sIme As String, sPrezime As String, dtDatumRodjenja As Date, sIndeks As String)

    ime = sIme

    prezime = sPrezime

    datumRodjenja = dtDatumRodjenja

    indeks = sIndeks

    Set polozxeniIspiti = New Collection

    Set ocene = New Collection

End Sub

Sub dodajPolozxeniIspit(predmet As String, ocena As Integer)

    polozxeniIspiti.Add predmet

    ocene.Add ocena

End Sub

Function prosekStudenta() As Double

    If ocene.Count = 0 Then

        prosekStudenta = 0


        Dim zbirOcena As Integer

        zbirOcena = 0

        Dim j As Integer

        For j = 1 To ocene.Count

            zbirOcena = zbirOcena + ocene(j)


        prosekStudenta = zbirOcena / ocene.Count

    End If

End Function

Function JeDiplomirao(ukupnoIspita As Integer) As Boolean

    If polozxeniIspiti.Count = ukupnoIspita Then

        JeDiplomirao = True


        JeDiplomirao = False

    End If

End Function

Sub CurriculumVitae()

    Dim cv As String

    cv = "Ime i prezime: " & ime & " " & prezime & vbCrLf

    cv = cv & "Datum rodjenja: " & datumRodjenja & vbCrLf

    cv = cv & "Indeks: " & indeks & vbCrLf

    cv = cv & "Polozxeni ispiti:" & vbCrLf

    Dim j As Integer

    For j = 1 To polozxeniIspiti.Count

        cv = cv & vbTab & polozxeniIspiti(j) & vbTab & ocene(j) & vbCrLf


    cv = cv & "Prosek: " & prosekStudenta()

    MsgBox cv

End Sub